Saturday, May 19, 2012

11.5 month update

well, its been a while! this kid is non-stop these days. the second he opens his big brown eyes he's crawling towards an outlet or has my glasses. the computer is pretty much unusable when he's around and i hate blogging from my phone. 

i cannot believe my baby is going to be 1 in just a couple of weeks! i thought i would be sad, but honestly i'm pretty excited! newborns are so beautiful and tiny, but i wouldn't trade this age to go back to that again. he's just too cuddley, too fun, too funny! i'm so looking forward to the toddler years (give me a few months and i know i'll roll my eyes at that line while cedar lies on the floor mid temper tantrum.)

we haven't weighted him lately but jeez, he's getting up towards that 30 pound mark. he's nearly 3 feet tall- seriously, he's huge. he has 6 teeth! he isn't walking yet, but crawls a million miles a minute, can more holding onto things like nobodies business and has been standing for a few seconds on his own. he's pretty happy crawling, and i'm definitely not worried about it. he's a little chatterbox! he can say "mum-mum," "dad-dad," "bama (grandma)," "all done," "bananan," and "up." he says "b" for our cat berlin, and birds. he loves birds! his favorite book is "i am a bunny" and we read it at least twice a day <3

he's difficult and needy, and whines and cries a lot but he's got a wonderful, bizarre sense of humor and we love him to bits.

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